All books on this list are in the Holland and Terrell Libraries' collection. If you are curious about a title, please click on it to see further details and information on availability.
Aguilar, Mario I. Rethinking age in Africa: colonial, post-colonial, and contemporary interpretations of cultural representations.
GN645 .R48 2007
Barker, Graeme. The agricultural revolution in prehistory: why did foragers become farmers?
GN799.A4 B38 2006
Breglia, Lisa. Monumental ambivalence: the politics of heritage.
F1435.3.E72 B74 2006
Conway, Susan. The Shan: culture, arts and crafts.
DS530.8.S45 C66 2006
DeBernardi, Jean Elizabeth. The way that lives in the heart: Chinese popular religion and spirit mediums in Penang, Malaysia.
BL2080 .D43 2006
Doyel, David E. & Dean, Jeffrey S., eds. Environmental change and human adaptation in the ancient American Southwest.
E78.S7 E68 2006
Dunand, Françoise. Mummies and death in Egypt.
DT62.M7 D8513 2006
Early, John D. The Maya and Catholicism: an encounter of worldviews.
F1435.3.R3 E37 2006
Foley, Robert. Unknown boundaries: exploring human evolutionary studies.
GN281 .F67 2006
Galush, William John. For more than bread: community and identity in American Polonia, 1880-1940.
E184.P7 G35 2006
Ganz, Nicholas. Graffiti women: street art from five continents.
ND2590 .G348 2006
Karpf, Anne. The human voice: how this extraordinary instrument reveals essential clues about who we are.
PN4162 .K285 2006
Lavender, Catherine Jane. Scientists and storytellers: feminist anthropologists and the construction of the American Southwest.
GN560.U6 L38 2006
Macdonald, Charles J-H. Uncultural behavior: an anthropological investigation of suicide in the southern Philippines.
DS666.P34 M23 2007
Matson, R. G. & Kohler, Timothy A. Tracking ancient footsteps: William D. Lipe's contributions to southwestern prehistory and public archaeology.
E76.45.L57 T73 2006
Nelson, Sarah Milledge. Handbook of gender in archaeology.
CC72.4 .H36 2006
Neale, Jenny. No friend like a sister: exploring the relationship between sisters.
BF723.S43 N43 2004
Notar, Beth E. Displacing desire: travel and popular culture in China.
DS797.86.D37 N67 2006
Odland, J. Claire. Fashioning tradition: Maya huipiles in the Field Museum Collections.
GN2 .F4 n.s. no.38
Peace, Sheila M. Environment and identity in later life.
BF724.85.H65 P43 2006
Peck, E. J. (Edmund James). Apostle to the Inuit: the journals and ethnographic notes of Edmund James Peck, the Baffin years, 1894-1905.
BV2813. P42 A3 2006
Powell-MartÃ, Valli S. & Gilman, Patricia A. Mimbres society.
E99.M76 M55 2006
Quilter, Jeffrey & Miller, Mary Ellen. A pre-Columbian world.
E55.5 .P73 2006
Regis, Helen A. Caribbean and Southern: transnational perspectives on the U.S. South.
GN2 .S9243 no.38
Reyes, Angela. Language, identity, and stereotype among Southeast Asian American youth: the other Asian.
E184.S695 R49 2007
Ring, Laura A. Zenana: everyday peace in a Karachi apartment building.
HN690.5.K33 R56 2006
Robertson, Elizabeth C. Space and spatial analysis in archaeology.
CC72.4 .U55 2002
Robson, Eleanor; Treadwell, Luke & Gosden, Chris. Who owns objects?: the ethics and politics of collecting cultural artefacts: proceedings of the first St. Cross-All Souls Seminar Series and Workshop, Oxford, October-December 2004.
CC135 .S7 2004
Talalay, Lauren E. In the field: the archaeological expeditions of the Kelsey Museum.
CC101.M268 T35 2006
Tokeley, Jonathan. Rescuing the past: the cultural heritage crusade.
CC135 .T645 2006
Walter, Chip. Thumbs, toes, and tears: and other traits that make us human.
GN281 .W35 2006
Wells, Jonathan C. K.; Strickland, S. S. & Laland, Kevin N. Social information transmission and human biology.
BF444 .S62 2006
Yengoyan, Aram A. Modes of comparison: theory & practice.
D16.8 .M697 2006
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